Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Victory Update

God is blessing our work at Victory these days. The jump in attendance up to around 130 – 135 each week since moving to the theater seems to be the new baseline. Even on Memorial weekend we had over 100. Lots of new faces. That trepidation some of us had in how moving to the theater will change the dynamic of the church has faded away. It is starting to click. For the most part I think we have realized that the service is still the same and the Word is being proclaimed in its truth and purity. The location does not change the law and gospel.

Last Sunday represented the first Sunday without any real technical glitches. We had volume issues which we have fixed with speaker placement and more wattage. We had issues with the new software based mixer and clipping but that is now resolved. We had a few issues providing sound to the video camera and also in transmitting WVIC to the lobby TV. We’ve got those resolved now. We now have the podcasting working well and available in iTunes weekly. Check it out.. http://podcast.victoryofthelamb.com/. It was my goal to have the technical side of things resolved by the end of May and we did.

Next up? I’m working on presenting the sermon video in our own Video player off the website as well as providing a video for iTunes video podcasts. We may have some incremental improvements in our service video’s coming up. There are some opportunities coming up for us to expand our reach and mission with high quality video production. Stay Tuned.

I am looking forward to this summer build up to a grand re-launch event in September. We have the new advertisement replacing the old one which I am very tired of seeing. The 4th of July festivities we are involved in. The Hallepalooza event after that and the Bible Soccer Camp.
I’m excited that we now have a paid part-time Director of Children’s Ministry and Volunteer coordinator. She has put in so much time and work already and now she doesn’t need to work full time AND put in another 35 hours for Victory each week. Her organizing abilities are great. We also have two summer assistants working for us from MLC again.

I think this summer we are going to see even more great things happening. If you are looking for an opportunity to be involved in a church and be part of its ministry…come to Victory.

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